You vs Bigfoot


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You vs Bigfoot is an investigation simulator that puts you into the world of a sasquatch searcher. Interview witnesses and hear unique stories of their encounters. Match their sighting locations to the locations on the map and select a search area for your night investigation. Select a range of equipment for your night hunt including a FLIR viewer, a Game Camera and even DNA darts. Gather footprint photos and print casts along with D.N.A. evidence and game cam photos. Try to capture the elusive bigfoot on film. Then sell your evidence to fund the next investigation using better equipment that can gather more evidence. The more evidence you gather the more you can fund your research into the paranormal.Here is a breakdown of the tools and techniques used by the sasquatch searcher:
Instant Camera - Used to take photos of footprints. The main tool used to gather reliable evidence.
Print Casting Kit - An accompaniment to the Instant Camera, having a cast with the photos helps make the value more then the sum of both.
Hair Snares and D.N.A. Darts - Used to capture D.N.A. samples. The percentage of primate D.N.A. in the sample will determine the worth. Samples are rewarded with each set of footprints found in a level.
Game and S.O.X. Camera - Game and Sound Activated (SOX) cameras let you capture photos of bigfoot in the level. If a sasquatch is within your selected area, you will capture an original photo of it.
Infrared and FLIR Viewers - Thermal FLIR Viewers and Infrared Viewers can help even the odds by helping to make visible, tracks that would otherwise be much harder to see without these handy tools.
Go squatching and investigate the truth. Bigfoot is out there.... Can you find where?